6 Types of Popular Gymnastics and Their Explanations

Gymnastics is one of the sports favored by the people of Indonesia. Gymnastics is popular because some gymnastics numbers do not require special tools or a field and can be done anywhere and anytime. Even gymnastics is one of the compulsory curricula in schools. Gymnastics are also usually done once a week by various agencies and companies in Indonesia. Practical and rich in benefits is one of the advantages of this gymnastics. (Also read: Types of Sports Without Tools )

Gymnastics is an excellent activity to optimize body growth. Movement in gymnastics stimulates development, strength and endurance of muscles in all parts of the body. Gymnastics comes from Greek Gymnos which means naked. In terms of theory, gymnastics is used to show the existence of physical activities that need movement freely so that it requires a lightweight body cover (gymnastics special clothes). In addition, gymnastics also has a big influence on the development of motion that is important for other physical activities of sports, especially in terms of how to regulate the body effectively and efficiently.

Some gymnastics use special tools and some don't use any tools. Gymnastics equipment used in each race must have international standards. Such provisions have been stipulated in internationale de gymnastique federation technical regulation and articles of association and Persani households. Persani is the only parent organization in gymnastics in Indonesia. (Also read: Types of simple sports that can be done at home )

There are so many types of gymnastics that exist. Perhaps the most common is floor gymnastics. Actually the type of gymnastics is not just floor gymnastics, there are aerobics, acrobatic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, trampoline exercises and so on. In gymnastics difficult or easy movement is determined by the flexibility, balance and agility of the exercise itself. Gymnastics also requires harmony of regular physical movements. The FIG or Federation Internationale de Gymnastique which in Indonesian language becomes an international gymnastics federation groups gymnastics into 6 groups, namely:

  1. artistic gymnastics ( artistic gymnastics )
  2. rhythmic sportive gymnastics ( sportive rhythmic gymnastics )
  3. acrobatic gymnastics ( acrobatic gymnastics )
  4. senam aerobic sport (sport aerobics)
  5. trampoline gymnastics ( trampolining ), and
  6. general gymnastics ( general gymnastic ).
The following is a discussion of the 6 types of gymnastics in more detail. (Also read: Types of Sports Games for Elementary Children )

1. Artistic Gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics is one of the most popular gymnastics at the sports Olympics. Whether it's Sea games, Asian games or the Olympics. At first this exercise is done only to make the body grow well and so that the body becomes healthier. Artistic gymnastics is gymnastics that combines tumbling and acrobatic aspects of movement movements carried out with the help of a tool. (Also read: Types of Running in Athletic Sports )

There are several tools used in artistic gymnastics. In artistic gymnastics the boys compete for 8 race numbers consisting of artistic men's doubles, singles all over and personal styles. The artistic gymnastics consists of several branches, namely:

1.1. Senam Lantai (Floor Exercise)

Gymnastics floor or also called  floor exercise is gymnastics whose movements are carried out on the floor with a mattress. Floor gymnastics are carried out in an area of ​​12 square meters. This gymnastics does not need or carry special tools. (Also read: Types of Floor Gymnastics and Their Movements )

Gymnastics floor consists of various movements. Some of them are :

Front rollers - Front  rollers can be done with two initial stances. Roll forward with the initial attitude of squatting and rolling forward with the initial nature of standing. Following are the right front roller steps:

  • Stand straight, hands straight beside.
  • Bend down and place your palms on the mat.
  • Place your elbows to the side and put your head between your hands.
  • Stick your shoulders on the mat.
  • Roll forward.
  • Fold both knees, pull your chin and knee into the chest with your hands hugging your knees.
  • The akirnya attitude is squatting and then stand back upright.
Rear rollers - Rear  rollers are a little harder than front rollers. On this rear roller the body is rolled back. Feet folded, knees against chest and chin touching chest. Next is the step in the back roller gymnastics floor in detail. (Also read: Techniques and Tips for Single and Double Badminton Games.
Squat, position both palms behind your neck until both your elbows bend over, and stick your chin and knees towards your chest.Roll the body back until the shoulders stick to the mat, and position the knees and chin against the chest.

After your shoulders and palms touch the mat, drop the toe to the back of the head.
Push your arms up and squat with your arms straight forward.
Tiger jumping - Tiger  jumping has an initial attitude of standing up and running. The distance taken from the prefix on the tiger jump varies depending on the height of the marker. (Also read: Athletic Sports Branch ).
Headstand -  The headstand movement also includes floor gymnastics. Headstand is a position of balance that relies on the strength of the muscles and neck. Following are the steps of the headstand in detail. (Also read: Basic Tennis Techniques ).

  • Stand with your body upright.
  • Hunched forward with the palms touching the mat.
  • Bend your hands until your forehead touches the mat.
  • Push the body until the legs are raised up together one by one. Spread your back forward so that your body does not fall forward.
  • The final attitude stood back upright.
Handstand -  In contrast to the headstand, the handstand is an upright stand on both hands, both legs tight and straight upwards. Handstand is better done on a hard landing for easy focus. Here are the steps to do handstand movement.

  • Stand straight with one foot in front.
  • Bend with your hands touching the shoulder-width mattress.
  • A little forward view then push the butt up as high as possible.
  • Swing your back leg up, tighten your abdominal muscles.
Both legs are tight and straight and in line with the body, the view is on the pedestal of the hand.
Kayang -  Kayang also includes one of the world 's most popular gymnastics movements. Kayang is a foot position resting with four concentrations in reverse state by stretching and lifting the abdomen. The real benefit of being able to improve the shape of the shoulders, not the waist.

Candle attitude -  Next the last is the attitude of the candle. To start the attitude of the candle, it is usually done by sleeping on your back, which is then followed by lifting the legs with the meeting together. The waist is supported by both your hands and shoulders attached to the floor. The purpose of gymnastics, especially gymnastics, is to provide health for you. In addition, it can add to your body's agility and flexibility. Gymnastics floors are also much loved by women because it can make you stay young. 

1.2. Horse Saddle (Pommel horse)

Horse saddle is the most difficult number to do on men's artistic gymnastics. The series of movements on the saddle horse number are designed from movements where the lower part of the body will make continuous circular movements. There are two kinds of this circular movement, namely flank or double leg circle and Thomas Flair. The saddle horse tool was divided into three parts, namely the ends of the horse, the saddle itself and the part between the two saddles. The main feature in the saddle horse's artistic gymnastics number is balance and of course it cannot be denied, strength. (Also read: Various Styles in Javelin Throw ).

1.3. Rings (Rings)

Bracelets are gymnastics in the form of two circles where gymnasts freely hang in the circle. These two circles are connected with a rope so that they can swing. The handles in bracelets consist of two types, namely regular grip and false grip. Regular grip is where the bracelets on the bottom with fingers and thumb encircle the bracelets in a straight position. While the false grip grip shows the attitude of the grip on the bracelets with the palm of the hand.

The type of hanger in the bracelets is divided into three. The first is a regular or regular hanger and the second is an angled hanger or basketball hangs. The angled hanger is done by placing the legs parallel to the floor above the body in an angled position. The third is the upside down or inverted hanger, where the body position is straightened up so that the foot is above and the head is at the bottom. (Also read: Short Distance Running Techniques )

1.4. Vaulting Horse

Jump horse numbers are considered the simplest of other artistic gymnastics numbers. The horses are coated with coolies but without using saddles. For men the height of the horses is as high as 135 cm measured from the floor. Regulations that are used both on daughter and son numbers may not take more than 25 meters square. 

1.5. Parallel Bars

This number is actually only used to strengthen the arm muscles because of their interesting and pressing movements. In subsequent developments it is also done as an exercise for swings. At this time, skills are more important than energy. If the gymnast has a flexible shoulder, it can be ascertained that the gymnast is good at the number of these parallel bars.

1.6. Horizontal (Horizontal Bars)

A single cross is one of the most interesting artistic gymnastics numbers. Swings and circles make this number increasingly popular among gymnasts. If every move is done in a hurry, it can cause the value to decrease in a match. The cross size for this exercise is 2.4 meters long and 2.55 meters high. 

Whereas in women's artistic gymnastics, the types of gymnastics that are contested are:

Vaulting horse

The multilevel bars (Uneven Bars), in the form of a multilevel bar are basically the same as the parallel bars in the male artistic gymnastics. To avoid using more power for female numbers, the parallel bars are converted into multilevel bars with bars above 2.30 m and others 1.5 m.
Balance Beam, in the form of a series on a balance beam, is rotating, twisting, balancing, etc. in a rhythmic pattern. The beam is 5 meters long, 10 cm wide and 16 cm thick. The height of the beam with the floor is 1.2 meters.

Senam Rhythmic Sportive

Rhythmic sportsmanship is gymnastics which originally originated from rhythmic gymnastics so that it can be competed in matches. The composition of the motion that is delivered through the rhythm of music in producing gestures and devices that are artistic characterizes this sporty rhythmic gymnastics. (Also read: Types of High Jump Styles )

Rhythmic gymnastics sports competing 6 race numbers consisting of:

Beregu rhythmically
Individual all tools
Individuals per tool

The tools used in rhythmic gymnastics are sports (ball), ribbon (ribbon), rope (hoop) (hoop), and Gada (Clubs). In a championship, the number that is rhythmically contested is always reduced by one. Valid for 4 years and always alternate.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which the movement is a combination of dance, ballet and gymnastics itself. The winner is the participant who gets the most points, determined by the panel of judges, which are judged by jumps, scores, pirouettes (pivot), equipment handling, and execution. Choreography in rhythmic gymnastics is required to cover the entire floor and contains a balance between jumping, jumping, pivots, value and movement flexibility. Every movement involves high-level skills. The physical abilities needed by a rhythmic gymnast include strength, ability, flexibility, agility, agility, endurance and coordination between all parts of the body.

Some of the benefits that we can take in rhythmic sportsmanship include:

  1. Can burn excessive fat in the body.
  2. Increase endurance of the heart.
  3. Is a weight loss program.
  4. Improves the appearance of the thigh muscles, arms, abdomen and chest.
Rhythmic exercise can make the body become shaped. The shape of the body is one's ability to move joints and muscles in a flexible and elastic angle. Can easily fold the body. Flexibility can be obtained in a long time with active and continuous training.

Acrobatic Gymnastics

Acrobatic gymnastics is a gymnastic that relies on dynamic movements between acrobatics and tumbling, so it will use a lot of somersaults and circular movements, with gymnasts having to land in some difficult places. Acrobatic gymnastics is gymnastics with an extraordinary appearance that involves balance, agility, and motor coordination. Acrobatic gymnastics are found in sports found also in performing arts and martial arts. In acrobatic gymnastics, gymnasts perform three routines, namely:

  • Balance routine, which is focused on strength, calmness and flexibility.
  • Dynamic routine is a throwing motion, somersault and catch.
  • Combined Routines are elements of balance and dynamic.

Sport Aerobics Gymnastics

Aerobic sport is a development of aerobic exercise. In order to be fit to compete, aerobic exercise is combined with difficult acrobatic movements. Besides aerobics, it also combines elements of rhythmic acrobatics and gymnastics, along with music, dance and choreography. (Also read: Aerobic Types and Benefits )

Aerobic exercise sports compete for 4 race numbers consisting of:

  1. Single son
  2. Single princess
  3. Mix/kopel
  4. Trio

Trampoline Gymnastics

A trampoline is a sport where gymnasts do acrobats while bouncing on trampolines. Gymnastics that can be carried out in the trampoline gymnastics include simple jumps on a spear, fold or straddle position. whereas for more complex combinations is somersault forward or backward and bend. Trampoline is a kind of reflective tool made of knitted fabric that is mounted from an iron frame, shaped in a rectangle, so that it has a very large reflective power. At first the trampoline was only used for mastering acrobatic gymnastics for artistic gymnastics or for beautiful jumpers. But because of the trampoline gymnastics movement that turned out to be interesting, it was eventually developed into a gymnastic number that could be contested. 

 General Gymnastics

General gymnastics is one type of gymnastics outside the five above gymnastic disciplines. Gymnastics models like this are very developed in the community until now. However, the handling and management is separated from Persani. The forms and variety of general gymnastics that are widely developed in the community are:

  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Healthy heart gymnastics
  • Let's unite gymnastics
  • Physical fitness exercises
General gymnastics is a sport that involves the performance of exercises that require physical strength, flexibility, strength, agility, coordination, balance and control. One of the general exercises in Indonesia is SKJ or Physical State Gymnastics.

This Gymnastics of Physical Freshness is indeed very common. Many people like this gymnastics. Even this exercise is carried out in schools and corporate institutions in Indonesia. Physical fitness exercises can improve the performance of the heart and lungs. Gymnastics should be done before you do the activity, so that the activities you do on that day can make your body healthy and fit.

Physical fitness exercises are usually accompanied by songs from various provinces which are rearranged. It turned out that the song and rhythm were arranged by famous music experts. Physical fitness for the first version of the music was composed by Nortier Simanungkalit. In the next version of 1996 the music was composed by FX Sutopo. Even before this gymnastics had a cassette. Physical fitness exercise is a government program so that Indonesian people stay healthy. Therefore, every Friday morning our school implements SKJ. (Also read: Miscellaneous Sports Martial Arts )

Gymnastics does have many benefits for those of you who do it. Some simple movements can help you to improve physical health. But keep in mind also that you have to do it regularly so that the benefits can be maximized. If gymnastics are carried out not routinely, then your body actually feels sore. So, hopefully the article above can be useful for you. Come live healthy!
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