Brief history of volleyball sports, purpose and Organizations

Actually, volleyball sports have been known since the Middle Ages, especially the Romans. After that the game was also introduced to Germany under the name "Faustball", precisely in 1893.

Then in 1895, William G. Morgan created a game like that. Then this sports game was named Minonette.William G. Morgan is a director of physical education, or in the original language is the Director of Phsycal Education at the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association), precisely in the city of Holyoke, Massachusetts, United States.

The basis used in this Minonette game is to beat the floating ball back and forth in the air. The name of this Minonette sport was later changed to volleyball (volleyball) in 1896.

Then because of the many people who like this game, the development of this volleyball sports game has become very fast, and has spread throughout the world.

Then, in 1947 the world volleyball organization was formed with the name IVBF (International Volley Ball Federation) with members from 15 countries, and based in Paris, France.

The IVBF international volleyball organization parent or now known as the FIVB is the world-leading volleyball sports organization which regulates match regulations and general volleyball regulations worldwide or internationally.

For a complete history of this volleyball game, please read in the article entitled History of Volleyball Games .

Profile and history of the establishment of PBVSI
Indonesian national volleyball organization logo / lambang parent symbol PBVSI
PBVSI symbolThe name of the parent organization of volleyball in Indonesia is PBVSI. PBVSI stands for Indonesian Volleyball Association throughout. As the parent of the national volleyball organization, PBVSI has a role in regulating match regulations and the rules of volleyball in Indonesia.

In 1953 after the National Sports Week (PON III) was completed, the Management of the Surabaya Volleyball Association (IPVOS) held a management meeting around the middle of 1954.In the IPVOS meeting, an idea or decision was made to form a national volleyball parent organization.

To be able to realize this idea, finally the IPVOS executive sent someone to meet the management of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) in Jakarta.At that time, for the assistance of Doctor Aziz Saleh, who at the time served as Chair of the KOI Technical Commission, a meeting was held between IPVOS (Surabaya Volleyball Association) and PERVID (Persatuan Volleyball Indonesia Djakarta).

The meeting finally resulted in the following decisions:IPVOS and PERVID agreed to become sponsors or pioneers in establishing a volleyball parent organization in Indonesia.
Appoint Mr. Wim J. Latumetan who is a sports figure as the sole formatul to become the first chairman or administrator of the Indonesian volleyball parent organization.
Then, on January 22, 1955, a meeting was held to form the highest Indonesian volleyball holding organization at the Ikada Stadium in Jakarta.

On that day finally the national volleyball organization parent PBVSI (Indonesian Volleyball Association) was officially established, with the following management arrangements:

  • Wim J. Latumetan as Chair
  • Erwin Baharudin as Deputy Chairperson
  • Soewarno as Author and concurrently Treasurer
  • S. Adi Widjaja as the Match Commission
  • Da Graza as the Technical Commission and Voters
  • Alimuddin Nasution, Soemadi, R Heinz, Coenraad, W Jocom, and Soebronto as members
  • W. Kho Kuy Liong as Regional Commissioner based in Surabaya
  • After that, in March 1955, PBVSI was approved by KOI as the highest holding organization of volleyball in Indonesia.

In the same year, PBVSI received a temporary endorsement from IVBF (International Volleyball Federation) which is the parent of the world volleyball organization and based in Paris, France.And finally, in October 1959, PBVSI officially became a member of IVBF or what is now known as FIVB. At that time there were 64 FIVB / IVBF member countries, and PBVSI was the 62th member.

Profile and history of the establishment of FIVB

The Main Logo of the FIVB World Volleyball International Organization
Source: logoeps.netIn 1947, several national federations in Europe established an international body or organization for volleyball.There were 14 national federations that attended the Constitutive Congress meeting in April 1947 which were representatives of 5 different continents.

At that time this entity was officially formed with Paul Libaud of France who was appointed as his first president.After two years, one of the goals of the 1947 congress was finally achieved by holding the first international volleyball championship.After that, in 1952 a women's volleyball championship tournament was introduced.In 1964, the IOC supported the addition of volleyball to the Olympic program. In that same year, the number of national federations joining FIVB had grown and developed into 89 members.

Then, in 1969, the World Cup international championship was introduced.After Mr. Libaud from France retired and elected Mr. Rubén Acosta Hernandez from Mexico to assume the position of president in 1984, the FIVB headquarters located in Paris, France, was transferred to Lausanne, Switzerland.After that the policies for advancing volleyball sports throughout the world began to be improved.

Among these are forming male and female competitions (the World League in 1990, as well as the Grand Prix in 1993), indications of beach volleyball as an Olympic event (1996), and some changes in the rules of volleyball and aimed at increasing public visibility.And the latest information, in 2010, as many as 220 national federations have joined or affiliated with FIVB.

This is the article about the profile and history of the national volleyball organization (PBVSI) and international (FIVB) parent.Hopefully this article can be useful and increase your insight into the world of volleyball. If there are additions or questions, please write in the comments column below this article.Don't forget to share this article so that your friends also get this important information.Continue to practice, and read various other information about volleyball sports so you can master the volleyball game and win various volleyball matches.

Purpose of This Sport

Purpose of Volleyball Games - Volleyball is one of the sports that belongs to the big ball game. This sport is in great demand by Indonesian students and society. Because the game of volleyball is indeed one of the alternative sports choices that are quite easy to master.In addition, this sport also does not require expensive fees to be able to play it, and master all the basic techniques .

Speaking of the purpose of volleyball, many lay people often play this game, even mastering all the techniques, both volleyball and other techniques. But it turns out, not many of them understand what exactly the meaning and purpose of volleyball is.

Main National and International Volleyball Organization

The parent of the national volleyball organization in Indonesia is PBVSI (Indonesian Volleyball Association of All), and the parent of international or world-level organizations is FIVB (Federation Internationale de Volleyball).These two organizations are institutions that determine how volleyball games in the world and in Indonesia take place. Ranging from regulations, to organizing matches.

But of course, both of them have their respective areas of duty, and long profiles and histories, starting from how they were formed, their development, until now become references in the world of volleyball.

The following is the profile and history of the establishment of the national volleyball organization (PBVSI) and international (FIVB) parent that you need to know if you are a volleyball mania.Well, in this article, I will explain a little about the purpose of volleyball. Yes ... indeed if we observe, the main goal in sports is to improve physical fitness and health of the body.
But, you also need to know some important things that are unthinkable with playing volleyball.

Definition and purpose of volleyball games

In general, the definition of volleyball is a team sport where the number of players consists of 6 people and how to play it is to reflect the ball through the hand or all parts of the body to achieve victory. But, from that all there is the main purpose of playing volleyball, here are the details:
The aim of the volleyball game is to pass the ball on the net so it can touch the floor of the opponent's field and to prevent the same effort from the opposing team.

Maintain a healthy body. I also mentioned this, that one of the goals of exercise is nothing but to achieve health.Looking for Achievement. By mastering qualified techniques and skills in volleyball games, it can make us an athlete and can be a source of income if we succeed in getting achievements from every event or race.Demonstrate techniques and tactics to play ball on the field to achieve victory in each match.Form soladiritas or find friends. With a lot of experience in playing, it will increase your club friends or friends to play good volleyball.

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