Squat Start Techniques and Types - Types of Squat Starts
Start is the starting position of a runner in preparing himself before running. Basically, the Start technique in athletic running numbers is divided into three types of Start: Squat Start, Start Stand and Floating Start.The three types of Start are used for different running numbers, for example, short distance runs using squat start and long distance running techniques using stand start techniques and so on.
But in this discussion we will not discuss all the three types of start above, which we discuss this time we focus on the first Start technique, which is the Squat Start.
The squatting start is often also called the crouching start, which is the start technique that is done with the initial position squatting. This start is commonly used for short-distance runes, either running numbers 100 M, 200 M, or even 400 M.
The Squat Start technique is divided into three types of start, namely short start (bunch start), medium start (medium start), and long start (long start). These three types of short start are done differently, as follows:
① Star is short (bunch start)
The hands are slightly wider with the shoulders, the thumb shapes the v, the legs in front of 75cm from the starting line, the back leg parallel to the heel in front of its distance about one hand.
② Medium Start (medium start)
The position of the hand and thumb is the same as the position on the short start, the foot in front of 40cm from the start line, the knee of the foot behind is parallel to the tip of the toe in front of the toe in front of the head with the knee parallel to the tip the toes in front
③ Long Start (long start)
The position of the hand and thumb are the same as starting at the short star, the front foot is the same as the middle start septic, which is 40cm from the start line, the knee of the foot is parallel to the heel of the foot in front and one head from the heel of the foot to the toe. behind.
In performing a Squat Start there are three stages of the command that must be followed, namely Willing, Ready and Yes (last command " Yes " can be replaced with a whistle or shot). To be clearer in understanding the three signs, here are the descriptions:
1. Squat Start Techniques on Command "Willing"
Runners advance towards the start line.Place your hand behind the starting line, positioning a hand wide with the shoulders and the thumb of the hand to form a v, a little hand in front and a straight arm of the arm, the shoulder leaning forward.
The head is slightly bent so that the neck is not tense, the eyes look at the lintansan about 2m from the start line.
The distance of the foot on the start line depends on the type of start.
2. Squat Start Technique on "Ready" Command
Lift the hips to the front up calmly until slightly higher than the shoulder.move body weight to hands until the body feels light.
The head is low, the neck is relaxed, the downward view is about 1-1.5 meters from the start line
The arms are straight and should not bend.
Focus on the sound of the cue.
3. The Squat Start Technique on "Yes" or on the whistle sound
Swing your arms as hard as you can and as fast as you can.The left leg pushes firmly until the straight backbone. The right foot stepped as fast as possible, and quickly reached the ground.
weight must slide forward.
Steps are getting faster and widening.
A brief description of the squat start technique, hopefully it is useful to add to your knowledge and insight. Thank you for visiting.
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